Spiritual Progressivism

The worship of one god always seems to be touted as a "conceptual leap" over polytheism. They tend to look at cultures that worship many gods as "primitive", and those who worship one god as "advanced". The alleged "step" from polytheism to monotheism is regarded as a "progress" by Christian mentality.

Atheists also do this because they think that "it's a step closer to atheism".

Auguste Comte, one of the most important theorists of progressivism, developed an idea called "Law of Three Stages". It states that society as a whole, and each particular science, develops through three mentally conceived stages: (1) the theological stage, (2) the metaphysical stage, and (3) the positive stage.

The Theological stage refers to explanation by personified deities. During the earlier stages, people believe that all the phenomena of nature are the creation of the divine or supernatural. In this mentality, men failed to discover the natural causes of various phenomena and hence attributed them to a supernatural or divine power. Comte broke this stage into 3 sub-stages: 1. Fetishism. 2. Polytheism and 3. Monotheism . Thus, Comte states that Monotheism is a "progress" and "improvement" over Polytheism, idea that since then is held by all Cultural Marxists without exception.

But we must say, on the other hand, that even the term "Polytheism" is commonly referred just to a simplistic concept applied from the monotheistic point of view. Ancient Polytheism understood that in essence there is one Ultimate-Supreme God in which all the Gods abide together. Unlike Monotheism which conceives "God" to be a completely separate thing from the Universe, Polytheism is actually an integral and total way of conceiving the Universe. It is immanent, but also it is transcendent.