Would we fight beside White christians shoulder to shoulder for defending our blood? I don't know about you, but absolutely I would. Our people is more important than personal beliefs.
As I said before, our efforts are not intended to attack christians as a persons. After all, many of them were born as christians because of their parents, and these in turn by theirs. Even many of us were christians once. And this is just due to a very traumatic and unfortunate event happened 16 centuries ago in the Roman Empire.
There are many pro-whites that come and say that "this page is dividing our people" just because we are exposing the core ideology of christianity in its TRUE form. This christian ideology teaches, among many other abrahamic-semitic bullshit, that their god is the "only valid", and that if you are christian, you must fight against others who don't believe in your "only valid god". Seriously, what kind of people do you think is truly working to divide us? Unfortunately for a christian his true brothers are not bounded by blood, but by dogma, something that in us is the just opposite.
The virus of Christianity has been so long time stuck in Europe, that now it has led to believe, even to some of the most ardent nationalists, that the Christian faith is "part of Europe" and that it can be used as a kind of "defense against what is killing Europe". Nothing is more false than this. The Europe´s cancer is a consequence of an older infection. The defense mechanism of the christian disease, created by the most ancient and archetypal antipode of Europe, is precisely to create the illusion that it can be used against its own symptoms, and even against its creators, because it is precisely when the cancer turns more harmful to the point that it hurts the whole body, when the root of rottenness can be revealed. Therefore it will try to spread its poison with all its might to avoid being cut. We are not exaggerating when we say that Christian disease is the most perfect psychological weapon ever created, because even those who are awakening to the reality of Europe, can be dragged into its lies, making the cycle beginning again.
I say it again for the clueless, we believe that if a christian defends the same pro-white ideals, he should be respected as a person. At least I venture to say that most of us as pagans actually are willing to work with christians for our race. But could most of christians say the same?
Again and again we have seen that, generally, a far-right christian, in the depth, gives a fuck if Europe remains White, he just wants a "Christian Europe". As white nationalists and pagans, we give a fuck the personal beliefs of somebody, as long he fight to preserve the racial identity of Europe, but the fact is that Abrahamic influences within Christianity are ESSENTIALLY opposed to this as it is. What it is true, beyond all doubt, is that far right christians, specially catholics, are declared enemies of Pro-White movements. Religion is a personal choice. However, our struggle against christianism is not just about religion differences, this is about of what beliefs are good to our race and what are not.
The word "catholic" is an adjective used by the two largest Christian churches in the world to define themselves: the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, and it comes from the Greek καθολικός, katholikós and means "universal". They are "universal" because they accept all people as a christian regardless the race. It's illogical to think yourself as and Identitarian/White-European Nationalist if christianity has the globalist purpose of convert all the world, which disfigures national/cultural IDENTITIES. Christianity, as a Universalist creed, is diametrically opposed to the ideological core of White Nationalsim.
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"Deus vult" means to catholics "God wills it". So, the jewish god, Yahweh, wills the destruction of white people. |
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It is also to them to whom this page is addressed, because many of us who now follow the true roots, were christians once. |
The problem that we see with christianity is not their "traditional values", of course. We have respect for christians who act as it should be: natural family, respect for life, etc. And even more if those christians stand for their race. David Duke is a good example of a pro-white christian who we admire as the pagans and anti-christians we are.
However, for example, take a look at this message we received from a facebook user:
This is another reason why we fight Christianity.
Blood keep us togheter! And we are fighting to PRESERVE what keep us together!
According to ultra-cuckservative christards, White-European people was completely worthless before christ-insanity and without it. This is what they actually believe. "There is no History, no traditions, no culture, no dignity for Europeans before the "Saviour" Jew". The Blood and Heritage of our ancestors mean nothing to them, only "worldly things". Europeans, Asians and Africans are just THE SAME "worthless" people without their superstition, and also they will be ALL THE SAME "elevated" people with it.
For them, there is no White nor Black, only christian or non-christian. That they deride our roots in this way it is already something so serious and blatant which reveal them as the Anti-White they are. One wonders if White Nationalists can live in peace with themselves while at the same time they follow such ideas. But I know that gradually the smarter ones of them, those who really love their race and are opposed to the ongoing genocide of our people, will realize the truth and will honor their authentic roots, while the rest will hate their fathers and their mothers as taught by their gospel and will stay in their globalist, universalist, multiracial worship of Yahweh, hobnobbing, fraternizing and mixing their blood with millions of their non-white coreligionists and the people of their ilk.
For them, there is no White nor Black, only christian or non-christian. That they deride our roots in this way it is already something so serious and blatant which reveal them as the Anti-White they are. One wonders if White Nationalists can live in peace with themselves while at the same time they follow such ideas. But I know that gradually the smarter ones of them, those who really love their race and are opposed to the ongoing genocide of our people, will realize the truth and will honor their authentic roots, while the rest will hate their fathers and their mothers as taught by their gospel and will stay in their globalist, universalist, multiracial worship of Yahweh, hobnobbing, fraternizing and mixing their blood with millions of their non-white coreligionists and the people of their ilk.
And although it is true that Cultural Marxism is certainly attacking christianity, this is just one part of the truth. The whole truth is that this is not because christianity "is the true worldview" as christians claim, but because, first, it happened that it is the most spreaded "religion" in Europe, and second, it happened that it has been somehow a stronghold of some survivor “traditional european values" which exists since our pagan past, despite christianity.
The cultural attack upon Europe is not at all targeted just on christianity. Historical Christian propaganda, New Age and Wicca bullshit are also pushed and promoted by Cultural Marxism to attack and ridicule 'paganism', ie, the True European Culture, so far-right christians continue mocking of it and to prevent the resurgence of their heroic values in all their glory... those that obey the call of the blood!
The traditions of our blood are what have been demonized for centuries. The jewish sect even butchered our ancestors only for practicing what was their organically growing culture, just as they had been doing for hundreds of thousands of years! International jewry has attempted for 1800 years to annihilate them in name of their hebrew idol Yeshua.
The entire European morality with values like courage, strength, beauty, wisdom, magnanimity, etc derives from our pagan tradition making the foundation of European ethics STILL predominantly pagan. So, we don’t need christianity to hold good values, and unlike christianity, euro-pagan worldview is actually within our blood and spiritual essence, and even more, most aspects of christianity has prevented us to overcome us as a race by, for example, opposing eugenic sciences, precisely because the hierarchy of values is different to the hierarchy of values given to us by Nature.
The only ethics that christianity has truly introduced in Europe are submissiveness, guilt (as everyone is sinful from birth), glorifying weakness and inferiority whilst spitting upon everything which is noble since 'god loves all people' as they claim, leaving no place for natural racial distinctions and recognizing and praising the superior qualities of men.
Christianity did not "became" a part of the problem, it has always been the main tool of subversion of our enemy in the first place. The early christian sects were jewish! The families delivering popes to the Vatican were almost exclusively ethnic jews as well. Butchering our people, ruining their tradition, burning our most beautiful and excellent women as 'witches'. Introducing celibacy and to prevent the best specimens of our race from procreating, etc. etc.
Our White brothers must not fall on the trap to defend one of the major tentacles of international jewry which has been poisoning the spirit of Europe for centuries already!
End of discussion. Christianity is inherently Anti-White and miscegenationist. They don't care if White Race "change" or disappear as long as they can preserve what they arrogantly call "the truth of god", and anyone, regardless his race, can do that job well enough.
If god created the races, it was with the intention of them being different and not mixed into an amorphous mass without identity. If races are a work of god, then you should want to protect and preserve that work. For most christians, however, it is more important an idea of "god" which just emerged 2000 years ago than a reality which is thousands and thousands of years older.
There will be who can make a mess with that of the "Christian heritage" of Europe. I do not. I see Europeans living with customs and natural rites, beautiful and harmonious, which automatically led to the most normal thing in the world, thus taking part in that immense orchestra that is the Earth. I see a fanatical creed preached by Semitic fundamentalists from the East and Africa, who inflamed the spirits of the world's scum against the good people, against the native Europeans, against the representatives of order and light. They said that our ancestral customs were abominations. They said that us who practiced them were sinners. They said that our science was demonic sorcery, and our art, blasphemy. They said that whoever did not kneel before a strange and new oriental god deserved the worst torments. They cursed the strong, the nobles, the fighters, the pure, the philosophers and the wise, and blessed the slaves, the sick, the trampled, the prostitutes, the ignorant and the cowards. They destroyed the legacy that we had accumulated for centuries. They killed our leaders. They put an end to an Empire that could, under the Germanic influence, spread throughout the world. They plunged Europe into ignorance and banned knowledge. For centuries, they extended depression, guilt and the feeling of sin, introducing in Europe that cancer that is the Old Testament, and that castrating poison that is the New Testament. If Europe could develop in these conditions, it was not thanks to Christianity, but in spite of it, and due to the things that Christianity had not yet touched.-Europa Soberana, Judea contra Roma.