In the
Indo-European religions, Gods of Thunder and Sky are among the most important. You
can see Thor in Norse Mythology (which is indeed just another name for Donar in
Germanic Mythology) Zeus and Jupiter in Greek and Roman Mythologies, Taranis in
Celtic Mythology, Perun in Slavic Mythology, Perkūnas in Baltic Mythology, Indra
in Vedic Mythology, Fereydun/ Thraetaona /Garshasp in Persian Mythology, or Teshub/Tarhunt
in Hittite Mythology.
All these
figures are actually just one, derived from the same primordial Proto-Indo-European
Archetype. This fact makes us to remember that all European peoples,
descendants of the ancient Germanics, Celts, Slavs, Greeks, an on, despite the actually
superficial differences, are a Big Family and we come from the same Primordial "White
Race", or more precisely, the human subspecies that originated in the isolated
cold of Northern Europe and later it spread throughout the subcontinent, and
then all over the globe, including, Iran, India, China, The Americas, Africa
and Oceania, conquering most of these regions.
But back to
the topic at hand, in most Indo-European mythologies, this Thunder God/Hero is
described as a Dragon Slayer. We can
discover the struggle of this Heroic (Sky-Spiritual) principle against an "Evil" (Earthy-Material) principle, generally in the form of a Snake or a Dragon.

This Aryan myth
is also, among other things, a cosmological metaphor associated with the invasion
and triumph of Patriarchal (Indo-European) civilizations over the Matriarchal
(Pre-Indo-European) civilizations during the Bronze Age. This was the triumph
of a people, small in numbers, over much larger ones, but undisciplined and
treacherous. Patriarchal peoples always became victorious, although they were
always colossally surpassed in number by matriarchal armies, so this is why the
Snake/Dragon is represented as a much bigger and stronger figure.
Currently almost everything written about patriarchy comes from feminist sources that fall into outright opposition to it, so the Patriarchy is distorted into their views and matriarchy is glorified. They want to see the Patriarchy as if it were a system in which the woman is relegated, when that is not true. Patriarchy is the integral and balanced form of the two genres. When we say "Patriarchy", we mean a society whose character is eminently strong and vigorous, so this is reflected in its mythology.
Currently almost everything written about patriarchy comes from feminist sources that fall into outright opposition to it, so the Patriarchy is distorted into their views. They want to see the Patriarchy as if it were a system in which the woman is relegated, when that is not true. Patriarchy is the integral and balanced form of the two genres where each sex has important, but different roles. When we say "Patriarchy", we mean a society whose character is eminently strong and vigorous, so this is reflected in its mythology.
Thus, the patriarchal spirituality is characterized by the cult of the ascendant, the Sun, Sky and ancestors. The primacy of religious worship belongs to the Sky Father or Father God, king of the gods, this is depicted as a warrior, once a rebel who overthrew the first gods to position as ruler. His symbol of power is the Thunderbolt and the Spear. Odin-Wotan, Zeus-Jupiter, Indra and Perun, all they are Sky Gods and fathers of gods and heroes. The cult of war and heroism is part of this worldview. Sky represents the spiritual world and light. It is seen as a source of life to the Sun (clear skies, light) and the storm (lightning, rain, wrathful heaven). It doesn't despise or omits the Earth, on the contrary, what is done is integrate it into an interaction system Earth-Sky where the prevalence corresponds to Sky, and wherein the intermediate product is the natural world of verdant vegetation and Red blood. The Aryans were not unaware of the importance of the Mother Earth. Figures of Demeter, Persephone, Gaya, or Erda attest it. Everything in the patriarchal society has a celestial ("Olympic") orientation more than terrestrial and calendars take as reference the heroic plot of birth, zenith, sacrifice, death and rebirth cycle of Sun.
Patriarchal Indo-European civilizations were
characterized by cultivating a strong discipline, a warrior spirit, a strong
sense of group unity, unwavering austerity, courage, order, spirituality and full
freedom, they carried a solar cult, based on heroism,
war, joy and honor. On
the other hand, the matriarchal cultures had a cult based EXCLUSIVELY on the “Mother Earth” concept (forgetting and
relegating the “Father Sky”), also on hedonism and promiscuity, and they were characterized by indiscipline,
laziness, selfishness, individualism, attachment to material things (You see that
the word ‘matter’ comes from the Latin word ‘mater’, meaning ‘mother’),
excessive pleasure, luxury, multiculturalism and debauchery. Matriarchal
peoples were decadent, aged and spiritually exhausted societies (Just like the most
of world’s modern, and especially urban, societies), but the Aryan patriarchy
brought a new culture based on blood and honor that forged the foundations of
Europe and the Western World.
Historically patriarchal societies have proved being superior and more
advanced than the matriarchal societies and also have much greater potential.
There is simply no point of comparison in terms of achievements between the
ridiculous-pacifist matriarchy and glorious-conqueror patriarchy. However, these higher societies may gradually
deteriorate when they relax their customs. For example, when the Greeks succumbed
to the influence of East, strictly matriarchal, then they went into a decline
that ended with the conquest of the Romans. But once more, as if history would
tend to be repeated again and again, with the entering of Christianity from the
East, this new prodigious society fall into the shadows of a strange sort of “Distorted
Patriarchy”, which despised, stomped and devalued the woman (just like the other abrahamic religions: Judaism and Islam), and actually hid and camouflaged all the forms of Matriarchy, although
genuine forms of Aryan Patriarchy survived in spite of Christianity.

To be continued...